Monday, May 24, 2010

Public Potty Training

I'm sure Nancee will post a killer blog entry of our trip to California last week, but until then, you get an amusing Erica story from me. If you were in a certain public men's restroom in Temecula, CA a few days ago you may have heard this conversation occurring in the stall next to you:

Me: "Ok Erica, time to do some pee."

Erica: "Nope."

Me: "You don't have to go pee?"

Erica: "Nope."

Me: "Well, dada does." (I commence relieving myself)

Erica: "Is the pee coming out?"
I hold your hand and help it come out.
Do you like going pee, dad? It's your job - going pee is your job.
You're a good pee-er. I so proud of you.
bye-bye, dada pee."

Yes, there were lots of other guys in the bathroom. And yes, I was laughing the whole time. You can probably tell from this conversation some of the methods we have employed in Erica's potty training.


Lesley said...

That is a great story. I had no idea that holding someones hand helped the pee come out. We'll have to try it around here.

A road trip with a new born and a toddler. Amazingly brave. I can't wait to hear all about it!

Mindi said...

That is so funny Troy! Erica is a good little motivator:)

Cristin said...

Does that pay well? Going pee for a job?

Annie said...

I wish going pee was my job! I'd be a millionaire...was that too much information?

The Jo's said...

For the record, Troy- I'm so proud of you too!