I'm often told by parents with older children to cherish and enjoy this time when my kids are young. They say it passes quickly and that I will miss it. I really doubt I will miss the newborn stage, but I would definitely like to freeze Erica at this point in time. She is such a joy in our lives and is so fun. So much has happened over the last 2 months, but I have not had time to blog about it. I will touch on a few highlights.
The biggest news is that she is potty training. (When does it switch to potty trained)? She hasn't had an accident in over a week, thanks to lots of candy and prizes. By the end of this process she is going to be obese and we are going to be bankrupt. She has not used a public toilet yet, so I'm scared to go very far with her.
She says the funniest things:
-She put her socks on by herself the other day and I said she was a big girl. She said, "I big, I wear Molly's earrings." (She really wants to wear earrings).
-I often tell Erica that if she eats her healthy food, she will get a treat. She has caught on and sometimes sets up her own limitations. For example, tonight she said, "I eat beans, I get chocolate milk. I drink chocolate milk, I get candy." Wish I got rewards for drinking chocolate milk.
-"I barefeet". Makes sense.
-After peeing on the big toilet, Erica said, "I pee on big toilet, like Mama, like Sonja, like Elmo."
-I was trying to get Erica to take a nap. This is a rare event now, maybe once every two weeks. I told her to try and close her eyes. She said in all sincerity, "I can't do it."
Erica is OBSESSED with Dora. She can even count to ten in Spanish (sort of) thanks to her. She is also constantly on the look out for Swiper coming to take her stuff. Anyway, there is a Dora book where she goes to the carnival. Ever since we read it, Erica was asking to go. Thank goodness the Pima County Fair came to town not long after that. Erica loved it!!! She wanted to go on all the rides. Her favorite were the ferris wheel, merry-go-round and big slide.

Erica used to just sleep with a pacifier at night and then she wouldn't ever need it the rest of the day. Well, around the time Sadie showed up, Erica has become addicted to her pacifier ("pacifoo"), blankie and stuffed animals (bobbit cat, purple panda, Barney and Carrots). A kitty has since been added to the collection. She carries these around with her all day and it is hard to convince her to get out of her pjs. I can't blame her. If she isn't in her pjs, she is either in a dress, swimsuit or the latest - naked!

Erica loves playing outdoors in the water, on the swings or jumping on the trampoline. Inside she loves to color, play with stamps and cut with scissors. She also loves to read books to herself, play with her princess collection, watch movies, bring me pretend food from her kitchen or help me make real food in the kitchen. The latest thing is to take off all her clothes and play with water in the kitchen sink. She has really learned how to entertain herself a lot better, which has been a great blessing for me since I don't have as much time to play with her.

Erica is brilliant about remembering things. I read her a new book a few weeks ago. She pulled it out the other day and remembered the name of the dog in the book. I didn't even remember there was a dog in the book. She is always doing things like this. I'm a little worried. I need to be very careful about what I say to her.
There are so many more things to write about, I think about potential posts all day long, but this is all I can remember at 11pm tonight.