Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What's Stolen in Vegas, Stays in Vegas

After babysitting my cousin's kids, we met up with Troy in Vegas for a baby product convention. Many of you may know that my mom has been involved in the production of the Baby Banana Brush - a silicone toothbrush for babies. Troy recently helped design the Baby Banana Brush Teether. We went to the convention to help out at my mom's booth and to promote the new product.

It was awesome to see thousands of baby/toddler items in one room. I wanted to buy everything for Erica. It was a pretty successful show and our booth sold over a thousand items. We even got to put Erica on the new package. Beforehand, we did about 10 different photo shoots and thousands of pictures before we came up with something good enough to be photoshopped. This is not the final package picture, but gives you an idea.

Since Erica was with us, we would switch off in the day. Troy would go to the convention in the morning while I played with Erica and then I would work the convention in the afternoon. My brother was there with his wife and kids who did the same thing. It worked out well. Between the two of us, we got to swim, go to the shark exhibit at Mandalay Bay (thanks Wyatt) and go to the M&M chocolate factory.
One night, my mom even babysat after being at the convention all day. We really appreciated it. We took a taxi to the Luxor, grabbed a bit to eat and then went to The Bodies Exhibit. This was such a cool exhibit. I had heard a lot of great things about it and was excited to go. My favorite room was looking at all the fetuses. It is amazing how they were able to save such small fetuses, even as young as 8 weeks. Crazy.
It had been a great night, until we were getting ready to leave and my wallet was not in my bag. Everything else was there and I had my wallet when we got there because I paid for the taxi, but it was definitely not there now. We retraced our steps, checked with security, looked in trash cans, etc. Nothing. I was even allowed to walk back through through The Bodies Exhibit all alone after it closed to look for my wallet. That was very creepy to be with all these bodies, in the dark and alone. I almost didn't even want to look for my wallet.
Well, of course, nothing materialized. I lost cash, gift cards, had to cancel credit cards, lost my license, my social security card (I know, I know), insurance cards, library card, zoo card (why do I keep all of this in my wallet?). It has been a big pain. I am still in the process of replacing everything and trying to protect my identity. I hate thieves.


Cristin said...

That's awful. I would be really mad. Hopefully you didn't lose too much money.

Mindi said...

Oh no. That is awful! Just the thought of someone else with all that stuff of YOURS makes me mad! I sure hope you can get everything stopped and worked out. I haven't seen the bananas with the peels on them. Cute! Sounds like the convention was a success.

Forest said...

That's terrible. I'm so sorry. I hate thieves! Sometimes the olden days in movies seem harsh when they hang the horse thief right there on the spot. But if someone stole my horse and I caught them, they'd be dead.

Hell must be living with thieves for the eternities.

What a sweet comment this is! :)

kellie said...

I don't need any more reasons not to move back to Vegas!
Some people are so scummy, I don't know how they live with themselves!

Heather said...

Ewww that makes me so mad! I got my wallet stolen in Paris, and now when I travel, I take out EVERYTHING but one credit card, my drivers license and my AAA card. Sorry you're having to deal with all of it--it's such a hassle, isn't it?

Shar said...

I'm so sorry Nancee! That's terrible. :(

Anonymous said...

Oh no Nancee! I totally forgot to ask you what happened last week. I am so sorry all that was in there. I hope you will be able to protect your identity! Hopefully your cruise will help you forget all that.

P.S. I am so jealous that you got to go to the Bodies exhibit! I wonder if it was there when I was in town.

gretchen said...

That is so rotten, Nancee! I'm so sorry! The only time I've ever been pickpocketed was in Ukraine on Christmas Eve. Go figure. :(

Dangcutekids said...

What a pain more than anything. I'm so sorry this happened!