9 Months Old
Erica just had her 9 month well-visit. She's is perfectly healthy and we are so grateful. She started "crawling" the day before her appointment. She can go a few crawls until she is close enough to the object she wants and then she lunges forward. More than anything, she just wants us to hold her hands so she can walk around everywhere. Recently, she discovered the excitement of pulling herself up to a standing position in the crib. Time to lower the mattress- again. She is a fantastic eater and pretty good sleeper. Nothing keeps her attention for more than 10 minutes though, so I find it a challenge to entertain her all the time. Separation anxiety has just hit too. She now screams when I sit her down or hand her to other people. At least she still goes to Troy. I love being a stay-at-home mom more than working (I get to go swimming in the middle of the day). Some of the days are challenging, but her cuteness and chunkiness make it worth it. StatsHeight: 27.0 inches (31%)Weight: 16 lbs 12 oz (16%)HEAD: 45.5 cm (87%)
AAUUGHHHH! She is so CUTE I just cant stand it!!!! I want to squish her!
swimming- shopping- the gym- the mall ALLLLL in the middle of the day! i still pinch myself because it is so great.
This ended up being posted on the Phillips Family blog by mistake so I am trying again. It sounds like it is time to start thinking about a little brother. Erica will be in pre-school before you know it and you will be stuck at home with Kayla.
87th percentile! Thatta girl.
She is SO CUUUUUTE! My oh my, and I envy your days at home. If you ever have a day where you wonder or think, "gees, maybe it would cool to be practicing law"--just think of me pulling my hair out, crying in court, and not knowing if I missed Evan's first you-name-it. I don't hate working, but please, I would rather be hanging out with my own toothless wonder, than my toothless wonder clients. Good for you!
Cutie girl! Love her. :)
She is so cute and i love her blonde hair. I want to come visit so Kapria can meet a new friend!
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