So, then we decided to leave early Friday morning and wakeboard and stay Friday night (You can't wakeboard on Saturday because the lake is so small and too many people show up). It was perfect and Erica did a FANTASTIC job. I was very worried about her being too hot, not being in her own bed, etc., but she loved it. She even got in the lake a few times and drove the boat (sort of).
When the water got choppy on Friday afternoon, we drove another 15 minutes south to cross the border and get some authentic Mexican lunch in Nogales. Erica is now an official international traveler. (Pictures coming)
It was interesting, on the way there, the American side of Nogales looked very much like Mexico. Then we crossed the border and it turned crazy!!! Drivers weren't paying attention to stop signs or lines in the road, beggars were all over the street, etc. We even saw the aftermath of a car accident and it took at least 15 minutes for an ambulance to finally show up. Plus, some policemen arrived with machine guns. I was excited to leave. After we crossed back over the border, it was amazing how much the American side of Nogales looked like America. God bless America!