Erica was not feeling well this week. She had her first cold and her first ear ache. She decided to share her miserable-ness with ("on") me.
On the brighter side, she also had her four month well visit and her proportions are finally starting to even out:
Height: 24.3 inches (31%)
Weight: 12 lb 12 oz (18%)
Head: 41 cm (36%)
Lesley - How old was Ian when he weighed this much?
Gotta love being drenched in spit-up, throw-up what have you! It looks good on you!
She is adorable and so sweet and petite!
She is looking so Phillipsy to me! Darling!
Poor Erica--I hope she is feeling better soon! I think it's sometimes harder on the parents when the kids are sick. And I'm sorry you had to wear it!
Hard to say... I somehow didn't know that Ian was supposed to have a 1 month well-check, but I am guessing that around 1 month he was at that weight-ish.
Your little waif is really cute. She wears her smallness really well. :)
You aren't going to believe this but when I looked at the picture I thought- huh, that is kind of a cool design on Fancy Pant's shirt.....then I read the post! Man, I am a little slow.
I know she's sick, but what a sweetheart. And she is finally getting her little baby chubbies. (well, it's all relative when I say "chubby ") I could just eat her up. I'm so sad it didn't work out to see you guys over christmas break. Hopefully we'll see you again before Erica turns 1. Love you guys!
ahh, i love that look. to make it really great you should be out running errands at the time. i'm glad she's feeling better now though :-(
It's no fun being sick. Kapria has her first cold right now and she is SO tired of getting her boogers sucked out of her nose. She used to be totally content to let us do it. Now she's bringing on the attitude!
I can't believe how big Erica is now! She's caught up to Kapria for sure, who weighed 12 pounds even at her 4 month check-up. So that sounds normal to me.
I had to laugh when I read m & m madsen's comment - I totally thought the same thing when I first saw your shirt. My head said, "what is that interesting design?" Ha ha ha!
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