I had been reading a lot of these on other blogs and thought they were interesting, so here is mine.
About 2:30am (I can't remember exactly when, but it was sometime early morning): I hear Erica starting to stir and I race into her room to put the pacifier back in her mouth before she fully awakes. I fall asleep on the rocking chair in her room while I'm waiting to make sure my "trick" worked. I know I should teach her how to sleep without it, but I'm not ready to give up the benefits of the pacifier.
Sometime later (maybe 3:00am): I awake, Erica is out, so I return to bed. Troy is in the shower at this time. I know he has not been feeling well and I'm too tired to find out what he is doing this early in the morning, so I make for the bed to get whatever sleep I can before Erica wakes up again.
4:45am: Erica is really awake this time. Troy is not in bed and I find him sleeping on the couch. At least he is getting some sleep. I feed Erica and she still seems sleepy. After a 1/2 hour, I bring her into our bedroom and put her in the swing to sleep. We both fall asleep quickly.
7:45am-8:15am: Erica wakes up for the day. I'm not ready yet, but I don't have that option. I give her some oatmeal and she likes it for about 5 bites and then she is done. Next, I give her the bubble-gum flavored anti-biotic for her ear infection. At least she loves that stuff. Then I feed her a bottle.
8:15am-9:00am: We play in her room until she gets tired again. We are trying to get her to learn how to roll, but she is pretty clueless about it. She did actually do it once this morning, but it might have been an accident. I put her down for another nap.
9:00am-9:45am: I read my book in bed until I get tired enough to fall asleep. I have a head ache and don't feel 100%.
9:45am-10:00am: I close my book and start to fall asleep. Then I hear Erica. No nap.
10:00am-11:00: I feed Erica another bottle. I let her play with toys while I do the dishes.
11:00am-12:00pm: Erica gets fussy, so we sing songs, walk around the house, look in mirrors, check email and read the updates on the Super Tuesday results (Erica likes the computer).
12:00pm-1:45pm: Erica goes down for another nap. I eat lunch, respond to some emails, check blogs, work on taxes and clean up a little. Troy stayed home from work because he is sick, but he is still working from home. I like it when he gets to stay home, I just feel bad he doesn't feel well.
1:45pm-4:15pm: Erica wakes up. I feed her. We watch a movie called "Solaris". I don't recommend it. I played some piano for her. She loves to sing along; it is so cute.
4:15pm-5:15pm: Erica goes down for what should be her last nap of the day. I use this time to clean the front room and prepare for a church meeting. I would normally make dinner right now, but we have some leftovers (yeah!!!), so I get to do other things.
5:15pm-6:15pm: I give Erica a bottle and her medicine. For some reason she refuses sweet potatoes tonight even though she loved them last night.
6:15pm-7:45pm: I go to my church meeting. I miss out on Erica's bath. Troy sings to her with the guitar.
7:45pm: I get home just in time to sing one last song to Erica and we put her down for the night.
7:45pm-8:30pm: I put things away from the meeting and clean (you would think I would be done with this by now since I seem to do it all day long, but I feel like I've hardly made any progress).
8:30pm-10:30pm: Troy and I watch "Secondhand Lions" - Great Flick!!!! We crawl into bed.
10:45pm: Wake to put pacifier back in Erica's mouth. Return to bed.