Snow angels. The kids usually learn how to do sand angels instead.
Is that Troy's dad wearing shorts? Yes, yes it is.
Oma and Opa
The front of our house
I love pictures of snow on cactus
A tribute to Calvin and Hobbes
Jumpin' on the trampoline
Family Photo.
Your kids are adorable!
So cute. Love the snow man. We were excited to here about your bro. in law. We'd love for you to come visit!
If Arizona ever misses it's snow day we'd love to have you come enjoy some of it here. We have PLENTY to go around...still. What great pictures. You have a darling family. I'm so impressed that you're working too, and at home. I have no idea how you do it. Your girls are darling though. Congrats to Erica on her dance concerts. Sooo cute. Mary just started dance too.
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