Erica's 2 month stats:
Height: 22.3 inches (43 percentile)
Weight: 8 lb 5 oz (3 percentile)
Head Circumference: 38.5 cm (41 percentile) - So she's got a big head.
This is the usual serious face/grimace she wears. P.S. Read the onesie.
Already training for a marathon:
Almost caught a smile. It's hard because everytime I put the camera in front of her, she gets distracted. This will have to be a two-man job.
Just being cute. I might also add that it is the middle of November and she can still wear a sun dress. She doesn't know how lucky she is.
Hanging out with dad. (I know Sonja and Molly. We will cut his hair as soon as we can.)
Auntie "M" came to visit. We were so happy!!! So was Kayla.
More pictures! Yeah!
Your little Erica is so beautiful! She doesn't look like a newborn anymore! Or a lobster, thank goodness. She really is looking more and more like "herself" isn't she?
I really like the picture of Troy and Erica. It is so fun to see you guys are parents! We have to see you soon in person. Miss you!
Patio looks great. You guys are good at being homeowners.
cute, so cute. still can't believe what a troy clone she is. 3rd percentile, huh? you ought to try feeding her. kidding! look at you -- you're only in like the 1st percentile for adults, you tiny thing!
Is it just the lighting, or does Erica's hair have hints of red? She's so darling--love the onesie! :)
some call it a big head, others call the Tegeder Forehead.
She's so little! Her clothes are just hanging off of her! She's so cute! I can't wait to see her again!
I miss my other niece/foster baby Kayla!! Hope she is doing well with the baby.
Please!!! Cut my brother's hair!
Love the onesie. Wish I could use a diaper as an excuse for my tooshie looking big! She's so cute!
Love the stone you picked out for the patio. Looks so good!
She is getting soooo big. What a cute little gal and you can tell her that her bunz don't look big at all!!
aww Nanc, she is so cute and tiny! And I know I owe you a phone call, it's 11 pm in Dallas and I would love to call you, but I don't want to chance waking you guys.
Just know that I love ya! Give Erica a big smooch from me.
All right...she is adorable! I haven't stopped by for a while to see if you've posted, and you have!! Love that photo of the onesie about whether the diaper makes the rear end area too big!! That is funny!!
p.s. Did you say you're training for a marathon? And if so, which one? That's so exciting!!
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