Erica's 2 month stats:
Height: 22.3 inches (43 percentile)
Weight: 8 lb 5 oz (3 percentile)
Head Circumference: 38.5 cm (41 percentile) - So she's got a big head.
This is the usual serious face/grimace she wears. P.S. Read the onesie.
Already training for a marathon:
Almost caught a smile. It's hard because everytime I put the camera in front of her, she gets distracted. This will have to be a two-man job.
Just being cute. I might also add that it is the middle of November and she can still wear a sun dress. She doesn't know how lucky she is.
Hanging out with dad. (I know Sonja and Molly. We will cut his hair as soon as we can.)
Auntie "M" came to visit. We were so happy!!! So was Kayla.