I started making iPhone apps about 2 years ago for fun, and for a little extra cash. I quickly got hooked, and found myself coding apps during almost all of my spare time, and constantly thinking up future apps to develop. Now that my app development business is stable, I'm taking it full time. Needless to say, I can't wait to have a 30-foot commute from my bed, work on my own schedule, have complete control over my projects, and simply love what I do every day. Nancee can't wait for me to be the dad at home more so she can spend a bit more time on her legal practice.
We're both financially risk adverse people, but we've done our homework and we're in a good spot to go for it.
On a related note, my new app "Dino Digger" is now in the iTunes app store and the Android market! I've done a lot of beta testing with Erica and her friends, and the kids love it. Even Sadie likes it. The concept is simple: dig up dinosaur bones, build them into dinosaur skeletons that respond to touches and shakes, then bring them to life and interact with live, animated dinosaurs.
For iPhone / iPod / iPad:
For Android:
Here are some screenshots:

If any of you know kids with iPads (based on my family's experience, they always end up being used most by the kids), spread the word. It's now how I'm feeding my children!
Well, now I feel morally obligated to buy your app. ;) Good luck on this venture Troy!!!!
Just bought it! Very cute!
Troy I've been checking out your apps. They look great. Good luck with your adventure!
Hi nancee! Did you know I looked at your blog. We both have a Sadie! Just bought the apt, looks fun.
Love all the latest posts. And good luck in this venture!! I am definitely going to get this one...my boys will freak! Thanks!
What wonderful news! That dinosaur app looks like something my boys would love. Now I will just figure out how to buy and download. Congratulations on starting your own business!
This is so cool, Troy!!
It's fun to see how big your kids are.
Oh man congratulations! are you hiring? LOL that's so awesome you get to work from home. Be careful, my brother and sister in law just filed bankruptcy because he took "working from home" for granted and let things go. Sad story, and Im sure it won't happen to you guys, but sometimes its scary not having the comfort of a real check!
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