Troy's immediate family, spouses, kids and grandpa.
Grandpa with his great-grandkids.
How many father-in-laws do you know that will bust out Spice Girls on RockBand. "If you wanna be my lover, gotta get with my friends..."
Erica slept next to her cousins in the basement.
An awesome advent calendar from Aunt Alice.
Love the hat.
We also had a baby shower for Troy's sister Molly while we were there.
Julie "loves" animals, especially hairless cats.
Can you believe I actually helped to make this. Well, ok, I held the ribbon while Sonja glued it. Does that count?
It was COOOO-OOOLD!!! The first day we arrived, I think it was a high of 16 degrees. Plus, we had a ton of snow. This is Erica's first REAL snowman, as compared to her snowman from last year.
It was COOOO-OOOLD!!! The first day we arrived, I think it was a high of 16 degrees. Plus, we had a ton of snow. This is Erica's first REAL snowman, as compared to her snowman from last year.