I have a million other things I should be doing, but here I am blogging. Isn't that usually the case? I actually have been doing other things for the last few weeks, which is why you haven't seen any new posts. I'll just give a random update of our life right now.
On Sunday a cactus fell on my foot. I had to pull about 20 needles out of my foot. If you can't tell, there are a bunch of red dots on my foot. I guess I am a true Arizonan now. At least it didn't fall on Erica, although I hear that happens to every kid here. I'm not looking forward to that experience. It didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would, but it was not fun.
My friend Stephanie was nice enough to come over and teach me how to make pie. Yes mom, I actually made this pie. It was yummy.
Erica's Grandpa Tutu (Phillips) has been travelling all over the world. Most recently, he was in China and before that he climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa. He got Erica this cute shirt on his trip to Africa. Emptying my wallet (literally) is one of her favorite activities. I fear this will translate into a figurative problem later.
Every Wednesday morning we get to watch Kelsey. She is three and the perfect friend to Erica. Her mother teaches 1/2 days, so we only get her for four hours. She really has been a joy to have at our house. In exchange, Kelsey's mom watches Erica one afternoon a week. Right now I am using this time to study for the Arizona bar. I've decided to take the test and work part-time as an estate planning attorney. This will take at least a year to get going and there is so much more to say about this that I will save it for another post.