Sunday, January 6, 2008

Airplane Story

Troy and I were scheduled to fly out of Seattle on the morning of Dec. 30, with a layover in Salt Lake for one hour, and then on to Tucson. We were sad to leave that morning because we felt like we had not had enough time with the family. I think Erica was sad about leaving too because she screamed the whole time we were in the airport waiting to get on our flight. She's been pretty good about flying, but this was just a bad day. I know everyone was thinking and hoping that we were not getting on their flight.

Anyway, we board the plane (Erica still screaming) and we sit...and sit...and sit. The pilot comes on and tells us we have a problem - the plane has too much fuel. I guess that is better than not having enough fuel, but apparently we would be too heavy to land in Salt Lake if they didn't drain 6000 pounds of fuel. Someone misread the fuel readouts and now we had to wait for a truck to come drain the plane. After an hour, (Erica still screaming), the pilot allows us to get off the plane and wait in the terminal. "For those of you who have missed your flight, check with the front desk about rescheduling."

We quickly exit the plane since we definitely missed our connecting flight and, once again, I'm sure everyone was thinking and hoping that we were going to get off this flight. At the counter, the agent said the next flight out of Salt Lake was at 7:30pm and we wouldn't get into Tucson until after 9:00pm. It was still morning and Erica was still fussy (the screaming had momentarily subsided). I knew she would never last that long.

"Is there anything else?"
"Well, you probably don't want it, but there is a nonstop flight tomorrow morning at 7:30am."
Now, who in the world would not want a non-stop flight with a child????
We jumped on that and ended up spending another afternoon with Troy's family.

Again, a Merry Christmas from Delta!!! They have really come through this year.
P.S. Later, Troy and I wondered if there really was a fuel problem or if they were just trying to get us off the plane. (:


Lesley said...

What an awful experience. Could you make some more Readers Digest material out of it perhaps?

samagram said...

Hi! I like your blog! I'm Samantha from church.

Unknown said...

How are you guys? We miss you too! We've gone riding a couple times... I'm getting lasik done thursday so i won't be able to go for a few weeks... but i'll let you know! it was great the other times we went!
Love ya!

Nicole said...

Love the stories and the pics. Anyone with a child can relate to the airport drama. Why does it seem like flights were always on time when we were childless??? :) Looks like you guys had a blast. Erica is so darn cute. She gets more adorable every day! Congrats on sleeping so long. THat is definitely an achievment!!!

Messimoo said...

I vote for they were just trying to get you off the plane! :) So glad you had extra time with your family!

julie said...

ah, the joys of traveling with kids. i love all your photos and stuff! erica seems to be growing -- at least she looks older. she's so cute! come back to provo for a visit! i need to hold her! :)