Friday, August 31, 2007

39 Weeks...and Counting...and Counting...

I was hoping that I wouldn't make it another 4 weeks since the last posting, but here we are a little bit bigger and no baby yet. (You can probably tell the smile is really forced). Although this is probably the worst month of my pregnancy due to being uncomfortable and hot, I really can't complain too much. I've had a very easy pregnancy and I'm happy to be able to have a little girl soon - we hope!

To keep busy while we wait, Troy just bought a new work desk and is very excited to finally have a "workshop" where he can do all his projects.


Messimoo said...

I LOVE you belly. So cute! Thanks for the update!

Stephanie said...

Hey guys! I love the update and I've been wondering if you've had your baby yet. I'm so excited for you! I know how you're feeling Nancee. Two weeks to go for me and it doesn't seem to come soon enough! Good luck with it all!

Lesley said...

Adorable as ever, Nanc.

Come really soon, baby girl!

Nicole said...

You look SO great!!! The last few weeks are the worst, but enjoy the moments alone with Troy!!! Shar's baby is on her way today....I'm just waiting for news! If they let me I'll post some stuff on my blog! CAn't wait to hear when you're baby girl gets here!!!!!

The Great P. R. said...

What a more-exciting-than-Provo life you now lead . . . though I surely should have been notified sooner. And you'll make it to delivery--and then you'll wonder how it could have possibly happened so quickly!

The Fifes said...

Just found your blog! I forgot you were pregnant!! Check out our blog:

Messimoo said...

Baby girl.....are you here yet?

Jenn S. said...

Update please!?
