The Before
The week before the bar was one of my hardest weeks. Erica came down with what we later discovered was Roseola. She had a high fever, she wouldn't eat, she was in a terrible mood, a major rash broke out (see picture) and we had no idea what was wrong with her. On top of her being sick, I was sick too. On top of all of that, I realized I only had a week left to cram and I was not even close to being ready. I was VERY stressed out. Thanks to family and friends offering to take Erica, grocery shop or whatever, we made it through. Thanks to all who helped or even offered to help. It meant a lot.
My parents happened to be in town for a few days at this time to help my brother move to Phoenix. They came down for a few days and watched Erica so I could study. They brought Erica's cousin, Lincoln, with them. She was happy to have a playmate.
The During
I have no pictures of the bar. I don't want to remember it. It was 2 days, 6 hours each day. One day was 12 essays on Arizona law. We had a half hour to read each question and type an answer. The next day was 200 multiple choice questions. It was awful. I am so glad to be done. As soon as I turned my test in I got a massive headache. I'm glad it waited until the test was over. I got In-n-Out on the way home to make me feel better. It helped.
Troy's mom and sister, Sonja came to town during the week of the bar to watch Erica while I was taking my test. It was so nice to leave her with family and not have to worry about her during the test.
The After
Once the test was over, it was so fun to play with family and not have to worry about studying. Erica was feeling better too. We ended up going boating. Erica usually gets a good 15 minute nap on the boat.
Troy getting some air. That means I am driving the boat. I'm very proud to have learned how to do this during my married life. Never thought I would be able to.
Troy's mom even helped with finishing the retaining wall. I will put up a few completed pictures once I download them off the camera.
Erica showing off some bling. She LOVES jewelry, make-up, dresses, etc. I don't know where she gets it.